Here are some good databases that you can use to find journal articles and other resources.
ChemSpider is a free chemical structure database providing fast text and structure search access to over 100 million structures from hundreds of data sources. Search by chemical name, systematic name, synonym, trade name, registry number, SMILES or InChI and/or structures, and find related data including literature references, physical properties, interactive spectra, and chemical suppliers.
Thousands of educational and documentary videos from authoritative sources. Create playlists and clips and embed these in your Moodle site or share with a group.
Includes films from Films for the Humanities & Sciences, Cambridge Educational, Meridian Education, and Films Media Group.
Search the catalog to find books on particular science topics. For example:
If your first search brings up too many irrelevant items, try using the Refine by Topic suggestions in the box on the left of the search results screen.
We also have reference books on the sciences that you can use to find general information, background material on a specialized topic, and references to other sources you can use for a project. These are just a few examples of what we have in the reference collection.