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Resources and research tips for chemistry

Advanced Search Tips

If you've tried brainstorming keywords or refining your search and still feel like you're not finding what you're looking for, you are not alone! Research takes time. You have also not wasted any time. It's important to know what search terms don't work so that you can find search terms that do. Try using the "Advanced Search" box on the library website to combine different keywords or concepts. 

If you have too many search results...try limiting your search results by resource type (article, book, etc.) or by timeframe (last 5 years). 

If you have too few search results... try adding more keywords or searching libraries worldwide (items are available for interlibrary loan). 

If your search results are not quite right... try rephrasing your keywords. You may also need to narrow or broaden your topic. 

Contact a Librarian

When in doubt, contact the library! Your subject librarian is available for consult through email or Navigate. You can also visit the library for drop-in research support at the front desk Monday-Friday, 9:00 am - 6:00 pm.