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Databases are excellent tools for finding useful sources. Databases are typically subject-specific and are curated collections of scholarly sources, like journal articles, books, conference proceedings, etc. Searching in a database is likely to yield relevant and authoritative results. The following databases are likely to be your best bets for finding relevant chemistry resources.
Full-text publication of the Journal of Chemical Education from the American Chemical Society.
ChemSpider is a free chemical structure database providing fast text and structure search access to over 100 million structures from hundreds of data sources. Search by chemical name, systematic name, synonym, trade name, registry number, SMILES or InChI and/or structures, and find related data including literature references, physical properties, interactive spectra, and chemical suppliers.
When you search the catalog for Chemistry resources, try using combinations of terms like these:
Or try some of the titles below to get you started:
There are many good web resources available to help with your research, but searching for reliable sources this way can take more time. Here are some good starting points for web resources. You may encounter paywalls for articles when searching the web, but you can request free access through our Interlibrary Loan Form. If you have questions about access, check with a librarian before paying for information!