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Accessibility info for Lindell Library services and resources.
My Library


For accessibility related questions or concerns, please visit Lindell Library's Service Desk to talk to an on-call librarian or email your liaison librarian.

Book Retrieval

We are happy to retrieve books from the shelves for you to pick up at Jean, the pick up lockers, in the library. You can request a book directly from the online library catalog or ask for help at the Service Desk. For more information, visit our Finding & Ordering page.


Some of our databases provide a computerized read-aloud feature for full-text content.

For additional guidance on navigating some databases, please refer to EBSCO accessibility help and ProQuest accessibility help

Assistive Technology

The following software is available on public computers in the library:

  • Read & Write: Literacy software with features including reading text aloud, word prediction, grammar checking, and more. For more information about Read & Write, visit Read & Write's website for a features tour or download their help guide.
  • Equatio: Digital math software with features including reading equations aloud, handwriting recognition, speech input, and more. For more information Equatio, visit Equatio's website for a features tour or download their help guide.
  • JAWS: Screen reading software intended for blind and low vision users. For more information about JAWS, visit JAWS' website. To Turn on JAWS on one of the Library's computers, please use the following instructions:
    1. Press WINDOWS Key + Ctrl + Enter to open Windows Narrator to log into the computer.
    2. Once logged in, press WINDOWS Key + R to open the Windows Run dialog box and type JAWS2021. Press enter to open JAWS on the computer.
    3. Exit out of Windows Narrator by pressing WINDOWS key + Ctrl + Enter.
  • ZoomText: Magnification software intended for users with low vision. For more information about ZoomText, visit ZoomText's website and/or ZoomText's YouTube playlist.

Additionally, the library has the following technology hardware:

  • Braille Embosser: There is a braille embosser located on the first floor of the Lindell library with the following software programs available for use with it on the computer next to the embosser: JAWS and DBT 12.6. Prior to first using the embosser, please email for training and instructions.