Meet one-on-one
with a reference librarian
We can help you:
Find or narrow a paper topic,
locate appropriate sources,
and more.
Contact us:
For accessibility related questions or concerns, please visit Lindell Library's Circulation Desk to talk to a reference librarian, email, or call 612-330-1017.
We are happy to retrieve books from the shelves for you to pick up at the Circulation Desk. You can request a book directly from the online library catalog or ask for help at the Circulation Desk. For more information, visit our Finding & Ordering page.
Some of our databases provide a computerized read-aloud feature for full-text content.
For additional guidance on navigating some databases, please refer to EBSCO accessibility help and ProQuest accessibility help.
The following software is available on public computers in the library:
Additionally, the library has the following technology hardware: