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Experiential Education: General Reading: Principles and Practice

A guide to resources on various topics in experiential education

A Note about "Service Learning" in Experiential Education

Over the course of the last 30 years, experiential education practices in higher education have shifted from an emphasis on service-learning pedagogy to include a wide array of experiences and to embrace broader goals around civic learning, democratic engagement, and robust social change. Because of this history, throughout these resources you will see the term “service-learning” utilized; however, these resources are useful no matter the type of experiential education you may be designing. 


Levesque-Bristol, Chantal, Timothy D. Knapp, and Bradley J. Fisher. (2010). “The Effectiveness of Service-Learning: It’s Not Always What You Think.Journal of Experiential Education 33 (3): 208-224.

Mitchell, Tania D. (2015). “Using a Critical Service-Learning Approach to Facilitate Civic Identity Development. Theory Into Practice 54 (1): 20–28.

Moore, David. (2010). “Forms and Issues in Experiential Learning.” New Directions for Teaching and Learning 2010 (124): 3–13.


Murphy, Elena J. (2007). A Review of Bloom’s Taxonomy and Kolb’s Theory of Experiential Learning: Practical Uses for Prior Learning Assessment. Journal of Continuing Higher Education 55 (3): 64-66.