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Art & Art History

Art images and resources for many topics, including American Art, Medieval Art, Modern Art, Renaissance and Baroque Art, Scandinavian Art, and Women Artists


This guide provides resources for research into Art and Art History.

Start searching fast using the Quick Picks listed below, or explore all of the many resources we have to help your studies.

The tabs on the left will help you:

Quick Picks

Find Images


This is the place to start looking for images. For more options, see the Finding Images page.

Find Books and Articles

Look here for international art journals and magazines.

Check out our other Art databases for more options, including some targeted towards specific areas of research.

Find Information

Find other reference sources to look up terms, browse topic ideas, or get information on artists, movements, etc.

Worksheet of Useful Library Links


Need a printable sheet of links to cool library stuff? This worksheet from a recent Art library-orientation class gives you what you need: