There are different ways to search for sources at the library. Start with a General Search to search our catalog.
If you're looking for scholarly journal articles, consider using one of our specialized databases below for better results.
Here are some examples of basic search terms you can use in any search:
To find strong search terms related to your specific topic, try the following:
For a better, more serious search for journal articles, use these databases. They all have significant Art and Art History components, making them good places to look for articles for your research project.
Images that appear fine in print may not look very good when they have been scanned for electronic versions of articles, or they may not even be included at all. Check if we have a print copy of a particular journal by doing a Journal Title Search.
Printed art books are big, beautifully produced, and more fun to hold than an online image. So we encourage Art students to check out the library's print collection. Books are shelved near related books, so browsing the shelves is a good way to search for more sources or to get ideas for a research topic.
Look for Art books on the Lower Level in two different places:
Here's a basic breakdown of the call numbers that we use to organize art books.
The Library of Congress has a more detailed breakdown here.
Copyright-compliant streaming of feature films, intended primarily to address topics that are relevant to today’s collegiate discussions. Students can choose among movies selected by Augsburg professors; instructors can log in to browse the catalog for other films to add.
Check out our FAQ for questions about public performance rights.