We have a number of books and other resources on local architectural history.
Here are some examples of basic search terms you can use to start out:
Find more information on our Researching Buildings page, and in Suggested Reading, below.
While you won't find every architect or building represented in the Artstor database, this art historian's treasure-trove provides many digital images you can use in your research and presentations. For instance, see this sample Artstor search for Cass Gilbert, the renowned Minnesota architect who designed, among other things, the Minnesota State Capitol.
For more about Artstor, see the Finding Images page.
Here are some examples of the architecture-related books you can find in our library collection.
To find non-reference books, check the call number against our handy library map. Note that some books may be in the separate Oversize section instead of the regular shelves. Ask at the Learning Commons Desk or the Circulation Desk if you need help finding a book.