..."an international, comprehensive reference tool for the field of Criminology and Criminal Justice that is both cutting edge as well as of very high scientific quality and prestige."
Created by University of Missouri-Kansas City professor Douglas O. Linder, this reference source provides information about well-known trials in the U.S. and internationally.
Find information and trends on corrections, crime, the justice system, juvenile offenders, victims, and much more. You can browse the A-Z topics or search the Q & A.
An annual publication in which the FBI compiles the volume and rate of violent and property crime offenses for the nation and by state. Individual law enforcement agency data are also provided for those contributors supplying 12 months complete offense data. This report also includes arrest, clearance, and law enforcement employee data. Use the new online UCR Data Tool to research crime statistics for the nation, by state, and by individual law enforcement agency.
Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted
An annual publication in which the FBI provides data on officers feloniously or accidentally killed and officers that were assaulted while performing their duties.
Hate Crime Statistics
An annual publication in which the FBI provides data on the number of incidents, offenses, victims, and offenders in reported crimes that were motivated in whole or in part by a bias against the victim’s perceived race, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity/national origin, or disability.
National Incident-Based Reporting System
The National Incident-Based Reporting System, or NIBRS, was created in 1991 to improve the quantity and quality of crime data collected by law enforcement by capturing more detailed information on each single crime occurrence. NIBRS has published one national publication and several specialized reports.
Hein Online provides searches by legal citations. Search for people involved in a known crime, or by a legal case's name or citation, to find additional government documents that may also focus on the case.
Print Reference Sources
Print reference books can be found in the Reference Section, near the Learning Commons on the first level of the library.
Find in-depth discussions of criminology topics, including history and biographies, theories and types of criminal behavior, and the justice system and law. See the Thematic List of Entries in v. 1, p. xix, for starting points.
Look here for in-depth discussions of deviant behavior: historical, conceptual, and theoretical issues (v. 1), self-destructive behavior and disvalued identity (v. 2), sexual deviance (v. 3), and crime and juvenile delinquency (v. 4).
Find easy-to-understand overviews of all aspects of criminal justice. See the back of v. 3 for a glossary, crime rates and definitions, supreme court rulings on criminal justice, famous trials, and topics by subject category.
Find information about gangs with a global perspective, including social theories and factors, gang characteristics, intervention strategies, controversies, biographies, and more.