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To find resources on Shakespeare,
Include a play, character, or theme of interest. For example:
Browse the reference sources below to find author biographies, work summaries, overviews of literature topics, and more.
Some of the books you will encounter in your Shakespeare research are e-books that Augsburg has licensed for library use. For best practices in accessing e-books from ProQuest Ebook Central, our biggest online vendor, check out these tips:
Augsburg's Shakespeare course, ENL 330, is usually offered spring semester. If you are a student in that class, you can check out specially selected books on Reserve, available from Lindell Library's Circulation Desk.
To find a list of the current materials on Reserve for ENL 330, go to the Reserves page, change the dropdown to “Course Name,” and enter Shakespeare in the search box — or just click here.
Print reference books can be found in the Reference Section, near the Learning Commons on the first level of the library.