Covering the culture, traditions, social treatment and lived experiences of different ethnic groups in America.
Prominent U.S. papers like the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal. It's also a good place to look for Star Tribune articles, with archives from 1986. Use the advanced search tab to limit to particular titles or dates.
When searching for articles and books, use different combinations of these terms to find the most sources:
You can use quotations marks (" ") to hold the concepts together (so you don't get "Indian Americans" instead), and use OR to find articles that match any of the various terms. For example, create a search like:
"American Indian" OR "Native American"
In the next boxes put your topic keywords: culture, identity, treaties, education, etc.
Also consider adding locations of interest, such as Great Plains or Minnesota.
Searching by tribe is also important, especially if your topic is tribe specific. As tribes often have variant spellings or use entirely different terms, account for this in your search:
Ojibwa or Chippewa or Anishinabe
Using an asterisk * will truncate, or stem, your keyword, including everything after it:
The books below are useful for starting your research, whether getting topic ideas or finding general overviews.
Print reference books can be found in the Reference Section, near the Learning Commons on the first level of the library.