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Social Work

Find books, article databases, and trusted websites to explore and research all aspects of social work.

Family Heritage Project

Lindell Library has a number of books relevant to your research for this course.

The search su:United States, Minnesota Minorities (just paste it into the search box above and limit to "Books") will turn up a number of books on the history of various ethnic groups in Minnesota: Norwegians, Hmong, German, Irish, Chinese, etc.

You can also use Mexican Americans, Hispanic Americans (use this instead of "Latino", "Chicano", etc.), German Americans, Laotian Americans, Polish Americans, Somali Americans, etc., and the variant Italians -- United States, etc., which may turn up different results.

Here are some additional sample catalog searches. These are just examples: mix, match, and modify the suggested terms to suit your own cultural heritage research topic.

  • ojibwe minnesota history
  • african americans minnesota biography
  • norway immigration united states
  • minnesota emigration and immigration
  • women immigrants social conditions
  • immigrants minnesota social life and customs
  • iron ranges minnesota history

Choose to limit by place to Augsburg Only if you want to limit the results to things in our own collection, but remember that even if we don't own it we can get it for you in about a week. Use the Libraries Worldwide option to see a wider range of resources you can request through Inter-library Loan.

For Native American resources, also see our American Indian Studies Research Guide

Online Resources


Browsing the book stacks is an excellent way to find things you may not have thought to look for. You'll find books about various state and ethnic histories in the following sections, all close together on the 3rd floor of the library:

  • Minnesota (F600-615)
  • Wisconsin (F576-590)
  • North Dakota (F631-645)
  • African-American History (E184-185)
  • Native American History (E75-99)
  • General Immigration and Migration, including to the US (JV6403-7127)

Here are a few general reference works that are worth taking a look at:

Journal Articles

The library search box at the top of the page is a good source for scholarly/academic journal articles if you limit to "peer-reviewed" in the results screen.

However, that searches a lot of different types of sources and can show a lot of hits that aren't relevant to this assignment, such as medical or scientific research. If you find that too hard to navigate, you might have better luck searching in the Academic Search Premier database, which is a more manageable collection.

Use the same types of searches above and limit to "scholarly/peer-reviewed journals".