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Film Studies

Film course guide including law and copyright guidelines

Legal Disclaimer

**Please Note**
The flow charts and advice given on this page are not intended as legal guidance. This is information provided to help the Augsburg teaching and learning community to understand copyright issues and promote common approaches to similar topics. 

For more detailed information see the Augsburg University Official Copyright Notice.

Copyright Guidelines for Video

The permitted use of films and videos is dependent on the mode of teaching.

Copyright Flowchart: Videos by Sara Fillbrandt

Virtual Classroom

Permissions to use media in a virtual classroom come from adherence to The TEACH Act (Technology, Education, and Copyright Harmonization Act) of 2002. The instructor and institution using/displaying a video and film in distance education or a virtual classroom can only use a reasonable and limited showing of portions of the film/video in a "live" or synchronous class.

The TEACH Act also requires the institution to develop/make public a copyright policy. Augsburg has not yet put this in place.

For more on The TEACH Act, check out these links:

Using Video and Film in a Virtual Classroom

Here's how you can use video and film in the virtual classroom.

  • Provide links in Moodle to one of the library's film databases.
  • Link to videos or films that are already available online such as or the US Government Channel.
  • Link to videos in Creative Commons.
  • Link to videos in the Public Domain.
  • Link to news websites like WCCO or CNN.

Have questions about performance rights? See our FAQ:

Want more information about copyright? See our guide: