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The purpose of this guide is to help you with studies and research projects related to mathematics, statistics, and computer science. You can search each of the three branches by using the tabs on the left, though you may want to explore all three to find areas where the disciplines intersect. You'll also find resources for citing and writing the fields of math, statistics, and computer science, and research tips for when you're feeling stuck. This guide is continuously updated, so check back for more resources or make suggestions using the Guide Feedback box on the left-hand side of the page. You can always contact your subject librarian for more assistance.
The library has many articles and books about math, statistics, and computer science available in our catalog. Use the search box on the library website to browse for items that are immediately available. You can also explore our A-Z Database List for relevant databases or explore our print collection in the library. If you can't find the item you're looking for, use the Interlibrary Loan Request Form to request the item from another library.
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programming language database management mathematical logic game theory